And so many these days don't realize that the internet is more than
websites. Everyone knows HTTP even if they don't know it stands for
hyper text transport protocol. But howmany know of:
NNTP - Network News Transport Protocol (Usenet to some)
WAIS - Wide Area Information System (Once the default for government
systems. These days they use an HTTP front end for routine access)
FTP - File transfer protocol Anyone else remember being directed to
Microsoft's FTP server to grab a patch? Wow, their ftp server still
And I so detest the ignorance of the term "interwebs".
Before the internet allowed public access and was the ARPANET for
official use only; there were the big three computer services.
CompuServe, GEnie (General Electric Network for INformation Exchange),
and AOL (America Online).
There was a huge SCA representation on GEnie and the society
discrussion group as called "The Rialto". When GEnie self destructed
under the leadership of Steve Case and did away with discussion groups
in the early 1990s; may migrated to the newly open to the public
internet via a NNTP group. (BTW, Steve Case went to work for AOL
after GEnie and oversaw the destruction of discussion groups on AOL as
one of his first actions.)
I can see the point of ISPs not carrying NNTP feed as it is in no way
conducive to advertising revenue. More lucrative to use HTTP sites
where advertising can be force fed.
Somehow I do miss the days when innformation trumped eye candy. Anyone
else detest Adobe flash animation all over web sites?
Stefan MacMorrow
Post by Dorothy J HeydtPost by erilarPost by Dorothy J HeydtI wasn't at "the meeting," but a lot of ISPs have stopped
carrying USENET (aka Googlegroups) groups altogether.
Mine quit long ago and I had to go hunting, even using (shudder)
googlegroups for a while before I found eternalseptember, which is free
and lets me keep using MTNW
Post by Dorothy J is a private server run by a friend of mine, who gets
his USEHET feeds from Stanford. If Stanford ever decides to shut
down USENET, there will be silence from this end.
remember eternalseptember 8-)
Only by reputation. I was on USENET with a University account
before AOL rose and until well after it had declined into
relative obscurity.